What is St. Michael’s?
St. Michael’s is an annual conference in the Anglican tradition for youth aged 13–19. Together we pray, study and play.
A Maritime tradition
Over its thirty-three conferences since 1987, St Michael’s has formed a vibrant community within the Anglican Church in the Maritimes. Our conference participants—or Michaelites!—don’t do things by half measures. When we worship, we worship God reverently in spirit and truth. When we study, we challenge ourselves to learn deeply. When we kick back for games and activities, we make sure that we have a blast.
Typical Daily Schedule
The Anglican Book of Common Prayer sets the daily rhythm of our conference. We pause for prayer three times each day, to read the scriptures and to give thanks for all that we receive from God.
Morning Prayer
Course Sessions (Christology, Holy Scripture, Common Prayer)
Afternoon Recreation (Swimming, Canoeing, Card Games, etc.)
Evensong (Evening Prayer)
Evening Recreation (Campfire, Quiz Night, etc.)
Compline (Night Prayer)