Our 2024 courses
Each morning we participate in three courses, as we seek to understand God and his church more deeply. These seminar-style courses allow conferees to pose questions about faith and life.
Each morning we participate in three courses, as we seek to understand God and his church more deeply. These seminar-style courses allow conferees to pose questions about faith and life.
Year 1: Seeing through the Scriptures: An Introduction to the Bible.
In this course we consider the nature of the Bible and its role in our lives. What sort of book is it? How and why should we read it?
Instructor: The Most Rev’d David Edwards, Archbishop of Fredericton
Returning conferees select one of the following:
Option A: The Book of Job: Encountering God in the Mystery of Evil & Suffering. Why does God allow evil? Does he care?
Instructor: The Rev’d Canon Gerry Laskey, Rector of the Parish of Derby & Blackville New Brunswick
Option B: Jonah: A Gospel Story.
We will explore the book of Jonah. What do we do with this incredible story? What did Jesus teach about Jonah? How does the book of Jonah reveal the good news of God’s love?
Instructor: The Rev’d Chris Ketch, Rector of the Parish of Kent, New Brunswick.
Year 1: God: Who is He? What has He told us about Himself? How do we respond by Faith?
Instructor: The Rev’d Canon Dr Ross Hebb (Diocese of Fredericton)
Returning conferees select one of the following:
Option A: This is the Catholic (universal Christian) Faith: A deeper look at the Creeds and what they mean in our life.
Instructor: The Rev’d Canon Allen Tapley, Assisting Priest in the Parishes of Waterford & St Mark, Sussex New Brunswick.
Option B: Theology of the Body: Why do we have bodies? Are they just empty shells that carry around our souls? Does our body have any role in our conversion?
In this course we engage with the Bible and with Christian thinkers both past and present to consider what Christianity teaches about the importance of our bodies.
Instructor: The Rev’d Nicholas Hatt, Rector of the Parish of St George, Halifax Nova Scotia
Year 1: Prayer: How do we worship, know, and service the God of Heaven and Earth?
Instructors: Sue Careless, Senior Editor of The Anglican Planet, and
Elizabeth King, SMYC Alumna. (Diocese of NS & PEI)
Returning conferees select one of the following:
Option A: Who do you say that I am? ?” How the Church came to understand the divinity of Jesus and why it’s essential for our lives.
Instructor: The Rev’d Terance Chandra, Parish of St Mark (Stone Church), Saint John New Brunswick
Option B: This Is Love: Love is the inspiration of countless songs, poems, books and movies - however what love actually is, is not well understood. This Is Love will explore its meaning and importance for us as Christians and how our experience of love opens a window into the very life of God
Instructors: The Rev’d Colin Nicolle, Rector of the Parish of Summerside & St Eleanor’s PEI, Mrs Shannon Parker-Nicolle, Eric Edward, SMYC Alumnus (Diocese of NS & PEI)